日期:2018-03-01 14:50 點擊:
1.元宵節(jié):lantern festival
3.重陽節(jié):double-ninth festival
4.清明節(jié):tomb sweeping day
5.剪紙:paper cutting
6.書 法: calligraphy
7.對聯(lián):(spring festival) couplets
8.象形文字:pictograms/pictographic characters
9.雄黃酒:realgar wine
11.戰(zhàn)國:warring states
12.風(fēng)水 :fengshui/geomantic omen
13.昆曲 :kunqu opera
14.長 城 :the great wall
15.集體舞 :group dance
16.黃土高原 :loess plateau
17.紅臼喜事:weddings and funerals
18.中秋節(jié):mid-autumn day
19.花鼓戲:flower drum song
20.儒家文化:confucian culture
21.中國結(jié):chinese knotting
22.古裝片:costume drama
23.武打片:chinese swordplay movie
24.元宵:tangyuan/sweet rice dumpling (soup)
25.越?。簓ue opera
26.火鍋:hot pot
27.江南:south regions of the yangtze river
28.《詩經(jīng)》:the book of songs
30.《史記》:historical records/records of the grand historian
31.《紅樓夢》:a dream of red mansions
32.《西游記》:the journey to the west
33.除夕:chinese new year’s eve/eve of the spring festival
34.針灸 :acupuncture關(guān)注「小e每日英語」微信訂閱號
35.唐三彩 :tri-color pottery of the tang
dynasty/ the tang tri-colored pottery
36.二人轉(zhuǎn) : errenzhuan
37.偏旁 :radical
39.亭 / 閣:pavilion/ attic
40.黃梅戲 :huangmei opera
41.火 藥 :gunpowder
42.農(nóng)歷 :lunar calendar
43.印 / 璽 :seal/stamp
44.臘 八 節(jié) :the laba rice porridge festival
45.京 劇 :beijing opera/peking opera
46.秦腔 :crying of qin people/qin opera
47.太極拳 :taichi
48.《本草綱目》:compendium of materia medica
49.天壇 :altar of heaven in beijing
50.小吃攤 :snack bar/snack stand
51.紅雙喜 :double happiness
52.文房四寶(筆墨紙硯):“the four treasure of the study” “brush,inkstick,paper,and inkstone”
53.春卷 :spring roll(s)
54.蓮藕 :lotus root
55.羅盤 :luopan
56.故宮博物院 :the palace museum
57.相聲:cross-talk/comic dialogue
58.五行 :five phases
59.北京烤鴨 : beijing roast duck
60.《桃花扇》:the peach blossom fan
61.木偶戲:puppet show
62.敦煌莫高窟:mogao caves
63.電視小品:tv sketch/tv skit
64.甲骨文:oracle bone inscriptions
65.古箏:chinese zither
66.二胡 :urheen
67.門當(dāng)戶對:perfect match/exact match
68.《水滸》: water margin/outlaws of the marsh
69.除夕:chinese new years eve
70.國子監(jiān) :imperial academy
71.兵馬俑: cotta warriors/ terracotta army
74.潑水節(jié):water-splashing day
75.餛飩:wonton •
76. 花卷:steamed twisted rolls
77.羊肉泡饃:pita bread soaked in lamb soup
78.冰糖葫蘆:a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples,etc.)
79.八寶飯:eight-treasure rice pudding
80.粉絲:glass noodles
81.豆腐腦:jellied bean curd
82.小品:witty skits
83.孝順:to show filial obedience
84.武術(shù):wushu(chinese martial arts)
85.宣紙:rice paper
86.衙門: yamen
88. 中庸:the way of medium(cf. golden means)
90.東坡肉:dongpo pork
91.中山陵:the sun yat-sen mausoleum
92.秦淮河:qinhuai river
93.玄武湖:xuanwu lake
94.夫子廟:the confucian temple
95.鴨血粉絲:duck blood fans
96.鹽水鴨:yanshuiya, or salted and baked duck
98.小籠包:steamed buns
99.明孝陵:ming tomb
100.云錦:nanjing brocade
18964637274 普陀三校生高復(fù)
(詳情請點擊) 真南路1051弄2號樓133室(信息技術(shù)對面)62932552/62932882 徐匯中學(xué)生校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 徐匯區(qū)華山路1988號匯銀大廈北樓6樓619室62932220/62932660 徐匯少兒口才校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 徐匯區(qū)華山路1988號匯銀大廈北樓6樓618室50836650/58437313 浦東三校生高復(fù)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)南泉北路1025號2樓(近張楊路,明珠小學(xué)旁)32035781/62581699 徐匯三校生高復(fù)
(詳情請點擊) 徐匯區(qū)廣元西路12號(工商銀行隔壁)34719727/34719728 閔行龍柏校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 閔行區(qū)虹井路288弄樂坊虹井廣場3樓305室63330278/63330279 黃浦一部校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 黃浦區(qū)打浦路423號3樓58351887 / 58352220 浦東八佰伴校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)南泉北路1025號(近張楊路,明珠小學(xué)旁)58352220/58351887 浦東中學(xué)生校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)南泉北路1025號(近張揚路,明珠小學(xué)旁)021-20958306 浦東惠南校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)惠南鎮(zhèn)拱北路313弄一支弄37-38-39(匯港國際2樓)55670526/31117286 楊浦大橋校區(qū)
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