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日期:2019-09-12 13:14 點擊:
able 有才干的,能干的
active 主動的,活躍的
adaptable 適應性強的
adroit 靈巧的,機敏的
aggressive 有進取心的
alert 機靈的
ambitious 有雄心壯志的
amiable 和藹可親的
amicable 友好的
analytical 善于分析的
apprehensive 有理解力的
argumentative 好爭辯的
aspiring 有志氣的,有抱負的
attractive 有魅力的
audacious 大膽的,有冒險精神的
bad-tempered 脾氣暴燥的
bigmouth 多嘴多舌的
bland 冷漠的
bossy 專橫跋扈的
brave 勇敢的
brilliant 有才氣的
capable 有能力的,有才能的
careful 辦事仔細的
caring 有同情心的
candid 正直的
clever 機靈的,聰明的
charitable 寬厚的
cheerful 開朗的
childish 幼稚的
comical 滑稽的
competent 能勝任的
conceited 自以為是的
confident 有信心的
conscientious 認真的,自覺的
considerate 體貼的
constructive 建設性的
contemplative 好沉思的
cooperative 有合作精神的
courageous 勇敢的,有膽量的
creative 富創(chuàng)造力的
cultured 有教養(yǎng)的
dashing 有一股子沖勁的,有拼搏精神的
dedicated 有奉獻精神的
demanding 苛刻的
determined 堅決的
devoted 有獻身精神的
dependable 可靠的
diplomatic 老練的,有策略的
depressing 沉悶的
disciplined 守紀律的
discreet (在行動,說話等方面)謹慎的
dishonest 不誠實的
disorganized 無組織的
dutiful 盡職的
dynamic 精悍的
earnest 認真的
easy-going 隨和的
efficient 有效率的
energetic 精力充沛的
enthusiastic 充滿熱情的
expressive 善于表達
faithful 守信的,忠誠的
forceful (性格)堅強的
forgetful 健忘的
frank 直率的,真誠的
friendly 友好的
frugal 儉樸的
funny 有趣的,古怪的
generous 寬宏大量的
genteel 有教養(yǎng)的
gentle 有禮貌的
gullible 容易受騙上當?shù)?/p>
happy 開心的
hard-working 勤勞的
have an inquiring mind 愛動腦筋的
hearty 精神飽滿的
helpful 助人的,有益的
helpless 無助的,沒用的
honest 誠實的
hospitable 殷勤的
humble 恭順的
humorous 幽默的
impartial 公正的
inconsiderate 不顧及別人的,輕率的
independent 有主見的
industrious 勤奮的
ingenious 有獨創(chuàng)性的
initiative 首創(chuàng)精神
intellective 有智力的
intelligent 理解力強的
inventive 有發(fā)明才能的,有創(chuàng)造力的
just 正直的
kind 仁慈的,和藹的
kind-hearted 好心的
knowledgeable 有見識的
lazy 懶惰的,懶散的
learned 精通某門學問的
liberal 心胸寬大的
logical 條理分明的
loyal 忠心耿耿的
mean 吝嗇的
methodical 有方法的
modest 謙虛的
moody 情緒化的
motivated 目的明確的
narrow-minded 心胸狹窄的
nasty 下流的,令人厭惡的
nice 和藹的,挑剔的,正派的
noisy 聒噪的
obedient 聽話孝順的
objective 客觀的
open-minded 虛心的
optimistic 樂觀的
orderly 守紀律的
original 有獨創(chuàng)性的
outgoing 外向友好的
painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的
passionate 充滿熱情的
persevering 不屈不撓的
pessimistic 悲觀的
polite 有禮貌的
popular 受歡迎的
practical 實際的
precise 一絲不茍的
punctual 嚴守時刻的
purposeful 意志堅強的
pushy 有進取心的
Personality 性格
qualified 合格的
rational 有理性的
realistic 實事求是的
reasonable 講道理的
reliable 可信賴的
responsible 負責的
romantic 浪漫的,空想的
self-conscious 自覺的
selfish 自私的
selfless 無私的
sensible 明白事理的
sensitive 敏感的
sincere 真誠的
skeptical 多疑的
smart 精明的
sociable 好交際的
spirited 生氣勃勃的
sporting 光明正大的
steady 塌實的
straightforward 老實的
strict 嚴格的
stubborn 頑固的固執(zhí)的
supportive 助人的
systematic 有系統(tǒng)的
strong-willed 意志堅強的
sweet-tempered 性情溫和的
talented 有才能的
temperate 穩(wěn)健的
thoughtful 體貼人的
timid 但小的,羞怯的
tireless 孜孜不倦的
tolerant 容忍的
trustful 容易相信人的
trustworthy 值得信任的
understanding 理解人的
ungrateful 不領情的
unselfish 無私的
upright 正直的
virtuous 善良的,貞潔的
Physical Appearance 外貌
?Hair 頭發(fā)
Straight 直(發(fā))
Curly 卷(發(fā))
Cropped 短(發(fā))
Black 黑色
Auburn 紅褐色
Blonde 金(發(fā))
Brunette 深褐色
?Height 身高
Towering 人高馬大
Tapering 又高又瘦
Lanky 瘦長的(貶義)
Squat 矮胖的
Dwarfish 矮小的
?Shapes 身材
Curvaceous 有曲線的(用于女性)
Chiseled 輪廓分明的(用于男性)
Rotund 渾圓的
Plump 圓胖的
Well-built 健美的
Personality 個性
Calm 冷靜的
Impulsive 沖動的
Arrogant 傲慢的
Humble 謙卑的
Eccentric 古怪的
Charismatic 有魅力的
Extroverted 外向的
Introverted 內向的
Easy-going 隨和的
Aggressive 好勝的,咄咄逼人的
Shy 害羞的
Characteristics & Traits 特征
Adorable 可愛的
Clever 聰明的
Intelligent 智慧的,理解力強的
Generous 慷慨的
Mysterious 神秘的,難懂的
Creative 富有創(chuàng)造力的
Flexible 靈活的,能變通的
Sensitive 敏感的
Moody 情緒化的
Snobbish 勢利的;自命不凡的
Sensible 理智的
Emotional 感性的
Sophisticated 世故的
Grumpy 性格暴躁的
Humorous 幽默的
Excitable 易激動的
Industrious 勤奮的
Style 時尚風格
Flamboyant 華麗浮夸
Chic 時髦雅致
Eclectic 兼收并蓄
Modest 簡約端莊
Casual 休閑
斯嘉麗 Scarlett
出處:《飄》(Gone with the Wind)
作者:瑪格麗特·米切爾 (Margaret Mitchell)
Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.
But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.
Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.
Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin - that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns.
達西 Darcy
出處:《傲慢與偏見》(Pride and Prejudice)
作者:簡·奧斯汀 (Jane Austen)
His friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year.
The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr Bingley.
And he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud; to be above his company, and above being pleased.
羅切斯特 Rochester
出處:《簡·愛》(Jane Eyre)
作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特 (Charlotte Bronte)
His figure was enveloped in a riding cloak, fur collared and steel clasped; its details were not apparent, but I traced the general points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest.
He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now; he was past youth, but had not reached middle-age; perhaps he might be thirty-five.
于連 Julien
出處:《紅與黑》(The Red and the Black)
作者:司湯達 (Stendhal)
He was a lad eighteen or nineteen years of age, small in stature, with irregular but delicate features, and of a constitution apparently weakly.
His nose was aquiline; and his large black eyes, which in quiet moments showed thought and vivacity, were ablaze now with the fiercest hatred.
His dark brown hair, growing very low>深褐色的頭發(fā)長得很低,蓋住了大半個額頭,發(fā)怒的時候兇相畢露。
His face would hardly be remarked among the infinite variety of human countenances by any feature particularly striking.
His slight, well-proportioned figure gave evidence more of agility than of strength.
瑪格麗特 Marguerite
出處:《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias)
作者:小仲馬 (Alexandre Dumas, fils)
It was impossible to see more charm in beauty than in that of Marguerite...
Set, in an oval of indescribable grace, two black eyes, surmounted by eyebrows of so pure a curve that it seemed as if painted;
veil these eyes with lovely lashes, which, when drooped, cast their shadow>眼睛上蓋著濃密的睫毛,當眼簾低垂時,給玫瑰色的臉頰投去一抹淡淡的陰影;
trace a delicate, straight nose, the nostrils a little open, in an ardent aspiration toward the life of the senses;
design a regular mouth, with lips parted graciously over teeth as white as milk;
colour the skin with the down of a peach that no hand has touched, and you will have the general aspect of that charming countenance.
The hair, black as jet, waving naturally or not, was parted>黑玉色的頭發(fā),不知是天然的還是梳理成的,像波浪一樣地鬈曲著,在額前分梳成兩大綹,一直拖到腦后,露出兩個耳垂,耳垂上閃爍著兩顆各值四五千法郎的鉆石耳環(huán)。
18964637274 普陀三校生高復
(詳情請點擊) 真南路1051弄2號樓133室(信息技術對面)62932552/62932882 徐匯中學生校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 徐匯區(qū)華山路1988號匯銀大廈北樓6樓619室62932220/62932660 徐匯少兒口才校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 徐匯區(qū)華山路1988號匯銀大廈北樓6樓618室50836650/58437313 浦東三校生高復
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)南泉北路1025號2樓(近張楊路,明珠小學旁)32035781/62581699 徐匯三校生高復
(詳情請點擊) 徐匯區(qū)廣元西路12號(工商銀行隔壁)34719727/34719728 閔行龍柏校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 閔行區(qū)虹井路288弄樂坊虹井廣場3樓305室63330278/63330279 黃浦一部校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 黃浦區(qū)打浦路423號3樓58351887 / 58352220 浦東八佰伴校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)南泉北路1025號(近張楊路,明珠小學旁)58352220/58351887 浦東中學生校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)南泉北路1025號(近張揚路,明珠小學旁)021-20958306 浦東惠南校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 浦東新區(qū)惠南鎮(zhèn)拱北路313弄一支弄37-38-39(匯港國際2樓)55670526/31117286 楊浦大橋校區(qū)
(詳情請點擊) 楊浦區(qū)平?jīng)雎?128弄銀鹿大廈1號樓803室(近眉州路)