日期:2021-08-31 13:03 點擊:
“裸”是漢語固有的一個普通語素,《現(xiàn)代漢語詞典》對它的釋義為“露出,沒有遮蓋”。“裸”字最常用的搭配有“裸體”“裸戲”“裸露”“裸照”“裸泳”“裸奔”等等,這些詞大都有“赤身裸體、不穿衣服”(naked、nude、in the nude)之義。但近幾年,“裸”字突然變得紅火起來,不僅頻頻出現(xiàn)于新詞輩出的網(wǎng)絡空間,更是延伸到平面媒體,為廣播、電視、報紙、雜志等傳統(tǒng)媒體所采用,滲透到人們生活的各個方面,如“裸官”“裸退”“裸辭”“裸婚”“裸捐”“裸考”等。這類新產(chǎn)生的裸字詞組都有一個顯著特點,那就是都沒有“赤身裸體”的本義,而是根據(jù)不同的搭配產(chǎn)生了不同的比喻意義。那么,這里的“裸”字能否直接譯成naked呢?
英語中并不缺乏由“裸”(naked)構(gòu)成的詞語,奔放不羈的西方人一言不合就脫光衣服飆裸體,比如naked shopping (裸購)、naked sledging (裸體滑雪橇)、naked reading (裸體閱讀)、naked mud wrestling (裸體泥漿摔跤)、naked hairstyling (裸體美發(fā))、naked wedding (裸體婚禮——這才是真正的裸婚呀!)、naked bike riding (裸體騎車)、naked workout (裸體健身)等,不勝枚舉。但在這些詞語中,naked都是指真正意義上的裸體,而沒有別的意義,用它直接來翻譯漢語中的“裸官”“裸婚”等詞語,會不會引起誤解呢?下面我們就來一一討論這些詞語的譯法。
What’s a “naked official” in China? … a “naked official” has nothing to do with porn. It means a crooked functionary who’s sent his family and his assets abroad—assets that people assume were misappropriated largely from public funds. (www.thedailybeast.com)
“Naked officials” refers to civil servants who have sent their families overseas allegedly with their ill-gotten assets. Moving money and family abroad is often seen as a precursor to officials’ own flight. (CNN)
“裸退”也是和官員有關的一個詞,指官員退休后不再擔任官方、半官方乃至企業(yè)、民間機構(gòu)或群眾組織的任何職務,連顧問等名譽職務也不擔任。第一個使用這個詞的據(jù)說是前國務院副總理吳儀,她在2007年宣布自己將完全退休,不再擔任任何職務時,使用了“裸退”一詞。這種裸退實際上是一種complete or thorough retirement。按照直譯加解釋的翻譯方法 ,可將該詞翻譯為:
Naked retirement has nothing to do with nakedness. When people have naked retirement, they really retire, rather than take all sorts of honorary positions or consultancy posts.
The “naked” resignation—quitting without having new employment lined up—is a growing trend in China, according to China Daily. One headhunter reported that between 30%~40% of his candidates had resigned “naked.” The trend signals a change in cultural attitudes toward employment among the country’s younger workers, who are more frequently valuing personal satisfaction over compensation.
美國在線詞典Urban Dictionary也已將該詞條收錄,解釋如下:
Naked resignation: quitting one’s current job before getting the next one.
A: I quit my shitty job yesterday.
B: Oh, you got another one?
A: Nope, it was a naked resignation.
B: Man, you’ve got balls (你真有勇氣)!
裸婚是指不買房、不買車、不辦婚禮甚至沒有婚戒而直接領證結(jié)婚的一種簡樸的結(jié)婚方式,是2008年最流行的網(wǎng)絡新詞。裸婚是已到了成家立業(yè)年齡的人們在“無房、無車、無存款”條件下的無奈之舉。這里的裸婚和西方的naked wedding (裸體婚禮)顯然不是一回事,也不能譯作naked wedding,因為它可能根本就沒有wedding ceremony。它實際上指的是一種婚姻現(xiàn)象或狀態(tài),故可用naked marriage翻譯之。比如《基督科學箴言報》(Christian Science Monitor)對它的介紹:
“Naked marriage” refers to couples getting hitched even though the groom brings no apartment or car to the relationship, as is traditional … Naked marriage is a rising phenomenon, especially in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai where property prices have risen nearly fivefold in the past decade.
Naked Marriage (Chinese: 裸婚), a newly developed concept derived from the Internet in 2008, serves as a description of the increasingly prevalent form of marriage popular among people born after the 1980s in China. In Naked Marriage, loving partners get united without solid material foundation. It typically bears the characteristics of “no house”, “no car”, “no ring”, and “no ceremony” …
“裸捐”有專門對應的英語詞匯,即all-out donation (全部捐獻),但漢語稱之為“裸捐”似乎更為形象,那么,“裸捐”是否可以譯成naked donation呢?通過搜索引擎可以發(fā)現(xiàn),英語媒體中很少有使用這一概念的,即使有,也多是中國媒體使用的,比如China Daily的報道:
Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo, believes reinvestment of profits into China’s developing businesses is the right thing to do at this stage of China’s growth. “Naked donation”—a term the Chinese press adopted to describe a total commitment to philanthropy—is not a timely concept in his opinion.
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