【原題呈現】 有人說,質疑一件事比相信一件事更困難 。 也有人認為不盡如此。 你怎么看? 請寫一篇文章,談談你對這個 說法 的認識和思考。 要求:(1)自擬題目;(2)不少于800字。 范文欣賞 密涅瓦的貓頭鷹 有人說,質疑一件事比相信一件事更困難。也有人認為不盡如此。而事實的確如此,在效率至上的當代人們更缺乏質疑一件事的能力。 質疑一件事比相信一件事的難度更高,這一觀點并不是 空穴來風 的,它早已蓄謀已久。信息時代的背景下,紛繁蕪雜的信息在交互過程中極易造成人云亦云、三人成虎的現象,使人措手不及。未經過處理或是加工過多次的信息往往帶有指向性,輕而易舉地能將思辯能力差、不加思考的人們騙得暈頭轉向。然而,有判能能力的絕大部分人也被裹在信息洪流中,選擇輕信一件事。可見,無關于人的思考能力,...
使用 200 詞介紹中國傳統(tǒng)文化中的歷史遺跡, 盡可能使用較復雜的英語結構和句型! 五臺山 Chinas Wutai Mountain, located in the north of Shanxi Province, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. It is also known as the First Buddhist Mountain in China. Wutai Mountain is a famous mountain with a long history and rich cultural heritage. It is known for its beautiful scenery, its many temples and its unique cultural landscape. The main peak of Wutai Mountain is the highest peak in northern China, with an altitude of 3058 meters. The mountain is surrounded by five peaks, hence the name Wutai Mountain. The five peaks are called Five Terrace Mountain, and each peak has its own unique characteristics. The five peaks are named after the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The Wutai Mountain area is rich in natural resources and is home to many rare plants and animals. It is also home to many ancient temples, including the famous Fog...
今天為大家分享255個句型,這些句型不僅包含了近五年高考試卷中大部分單詞,更是涉及了高中階段幾乎所有重點句型,將這些句型延伸去分析或復習語法也是非常好的材料!一舉多得,有時候學習并沒那么復雜! 1. That is the reason why Im not in favour of revising the plan. 這就是我不贊成修正這個計劃的原因。 2. His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time. 他的失敗是由于他沒有練習很長時間。 3. It is likely that it will rain in the evening. 可能晚上會下雨。 4. How they went to America is what I want to know. 他們如何到的美國是我想知道的事情。 5. It occurred to him that he had left his key at home. 他突然想起把鑰匙落在了家里。 6. The reason why he came late was that he didnt catch the early bus. 他遲到的原因是他沒有趕上早班車。 7. Im looking forward to the day when Tai Wan returns to China. 我期待著...
今天為大家把近年來高考英語中涉及到的幾乎所有高頻詞總結出來,供同學們對比記憶! 高中英語完形填空常考四大詞性高頻詞 名詞: 1. 假期: vacation,holiday,spring break,leave,two days off 2. 旅游: trip,journey, tour,voyage, travel,tourist,passenger 3. 職務人員: clerk,secretary,passer-by friend,minister,manager,waitress,guest,host,hostess,assistant,customer,adult,neighbor,relative,patient,vet,staff,crew,nurse,teacher,conductor,tailor,sailor,inventor,gardener,guard 4. 餐館/定餐/就餐: inn,restaurant,kitchen,menu,bill,order,tip,fork and knife,reserve /book table,taste delicious,salad,vegetables,fruit,tray,napkin 5. 診所/看病/服藥 clinic,hospital,take ones temperature,take medicine/pills,have a fever/flu/headache,doctor,physician,surgeon,specialist,patient 6. 車站/機場: airport,on board,mis...
剪紙 Paper-cutting, a traditional Chinese folk art, is a kind of handicraft which has a long history. It is said that paper-cutting originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and has been popular for more than two thousand years. Paper-cutting is a kind of art that uses scissors to cut paper into various shapes. It is usually used to decorate windows, doors, walls and other places. It is a kind of folk art with strong national characteristics. Paper-cutting is a kind of art that requires patience and skill. It is usually made of red paper, which symbolizes good luck and happiness. The patterns of paper-cutting are mostly related to peoples daily life, such as flowers, birds, fish, insects, animals, characters, landscapes, etc. The paper-cutting is vivid and vivid, and the lines are smooth and smooth. It is a kind of art that combines beauty and practicality. Paper-cutting is a kind of folk art with a long history and strong national characteristics. It is not only a kind of art, but also...
使用 200 詞介紹中國傳統(tǒng)文化中的琴棋書畫 ,盡可能使用較復雜的英語結構和句型! 古箏 The guzheng, also known as the Chinese zither, is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of more than 2,500 years. It is a plucked string instrument with a rectangular wooden sound box and a movable bridge. It has 16-25 strings, which are stretched over the movable bridge and the fixed bridge. The strings are plucked with the right hand while the left hand is used to adjust the pitch of the strings. The guzheng has a wide range of tones and is capable of producing a variety of sounds. It is often used to accompany singing and dancing, as well as to perform solo pieces. The guzheng is an important part of Chinese culture and has been used in many traditional Chinese operas. It is also used in modern music, such as pop and rock. The guzheng has a unique sound that is both soothing and powerful. It is a versatile instrument that can be used to create a wi...
(原題呈現) 史鐵生在《務虛筆記》中寫道:過去并未消失,而未來已經存在。 請將你對這句話的思考寫成一篇 800字左右的文章。 題目自擬。 范文欣賞 通古今之變,明未來之化 史鐵生曾經寫道:過去并未消失,而未來已經存在??此泼艿奈磥砼c過去實則統(tǒng)一。竊以為惟有把握住了并未消失的過去,方能明晰已然存在的未來。而這通古今之變,明未來之化的過程,本身亦處于時間的長河中,閃耀著智慧的光輝。 我們必須先明確,何謂過去與未來。過去與未來并非是涇渭分明的兩個時段,更不是一個向量的起點與終點,而是歷史螺旋上升的一個部分。 從主觀上來講,過去的確從未消失。江畔何人初見月?江月何年初照人?當你倚靠著柳枝立在江畔,望著明月滿腹衷腸之時,過去的墜入池中月的謫仙,釃酒臨江的英豪都在此刻與你的情感相連接。...
2022學年金山區(qū)第二學期期中學情診斷 初三語文試卷 一、古詩文( 35 分) (一)默寫( 13 分) 1.兒童相見不相識, ____________ 。 《《回鄉(xiāng)偶書》) 2. 潭中魚可百許頭, ___________ 。 《小石潭記》) 3. 是故 _________ , 所惡有甚于死者。 (《魚所欲也》) 4. 小慧和家人去旅游,山巒重疊間正擔心無路可走時,忽然眼前出現了一個山村,此情此景 讓她不禁吟起了《游山西村》中的 ___ ________ _ , __ ________ ___ 兩句詩。 (二)閱讀下面詩文,完成第 5-9 題( 22 分) [ 甲 ] 竹石 咬定青山不放松,立根原在破巖中。 千磨萬擊還堅勁,任爾東西南北風。 [ 乙 ] 愛蓮說 水陸草木之花,可 愛 者甚善。晉陶淵 明獨愛菊 。自 李唐 來,世人甚愛壯丹。予 獨愛蓮 之出 淤泥 而不 染 , 濯清漣而不妖 ,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香遠益清,亭亭凈植,可遠觀而不可 褻玩焉...
1. 罷:通疲,疲勞。形容詞。罷夫贏老易子而咬其骨。 2. 頒:通班、斑;頭發(fā)花白。形容詞。頒白者不負戴于道路矣。 3. 倍:通背,背叛、忘記。動詞。愿伯具言臣之不敢倍德也。 4. 倍:同背,背叛、違背。動詞。倍道而妄行,則天不能使之吉。 5. 被:通披,穿戴。動詞。被明月兮佩寶璐。 6. 辟:通避,躲避。動詞。其北陵,文王所辟風雨也。 7. 敝:通弊,弱點。形容詞。秦有余力而制其敝。 8. 蚤:通早。旦日不可不蚤來謝項王。 9. 卒:通猝,倉猝。形容詞。五萬兵難卒合。 10. 唱:通倡,倡導。動詞。而予三十年前所主唱之三民主義、五權憲法。 11. 厝:同措,放置。動詞。一厝朔東,一厝雍南。 12. 錯:同措,放。動詞。以君為長者,故不錯意也。 13. 黨:通倘,倘若、偶然。副詞。風雨之不時,怪星之黨見。 14. 道:同導,引導。動詞。故...
老子 Laozi, also known as Lao Dan, is a legendary figure in Chinese traditional culture. He is believed to be the founder of Taoism and the author of the Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese classic. He is also regarded as the ancestor of Chinese culture. Laozi was born in the 6th century BC in the state of Chu. He was a contemporary of Confucius and was highly respected by him. Laozi was a great thinker and philosopher who believed in the concept of Tao, which means the way or the path. He believed that the universe is composed of two opposite forces, yin and yang, and that the way to achieve harmony is to follow the path of Tao. Laozis philosophy has had a profound influence on Chinese culture. His teachings have been widely adopted by Chinese people and have become an integral part of Chinese culture. His teachings have also been adopted by many other cultures around the world. Laozis legacy is still alive today. His teachings are still studied and discussed by scholars and philosophe...
62932552/62932882 思源中高考學習中心
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